Coding interview的patterns


[1] Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions

[2] The Ultimate Strategy to Preparing for the Coding Interview

如何解决算法问题的5个步骤How To Approach Any Algorithm Interview Without Panicking

  • Step 1: Rephrase the problem in your own words
  • Step 2: Input and output types
  • Step 3: Examples and Edge Cases
  • Step 4: Data Structure(s)
  • Step 5: Pseudocode and then the real code.



Over time, I developed a set of problem-patterns that helped me quickly map a problem to an already-known one. Here are some examples of these patterns:

  1. If the given input is sorted (array, list, or matrix), then we will use
    • a variation of Binary Search 
    • or a Two Pointers strategy.
  2. If we’re dealing with top/maximum/minimum/closest $K$ elements among $n$ elements, we will use a Heap.
  3. If we need to try all combinations (or permutations) of the input, we can either use recursive Backtracking or iterative Breadth-First Search.
  4. Most of the questions related to Trees and Graphs can be solved by using:
    • Breadth-first search
    • Depth-first search
  5. Every recursive solution can be converted to an iterative solution by using a stack.
  6. If there exists a brute-force solution in $O(n^2)$ time and $O(1)$ space, and then there must exist two other better solutions:
    • Using a map or a set in $O(n)$ time and $O(n)$ space.
    • Using sorting for $O(nlog(n))$ time and $O(1)$ space.
  7. If the problem is asking for optimal value (e.g. maximum or minimum), use Dynamic Programming.
  8. If we need to find some common sub-string among a set of strings, use:
    • Hashmap
    • Trie
  9. If we need to search among a bunch of strings, the best data structure is Trie.
  10. If the problem involves a Linked List and we can’t use extra space, then use the Fast and Slow Pointer approach.

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